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What is the main goal of Cardinal Woods?

One of the primary goals of Cardinal Woods is to supply wood craft parts to artists and crafts people at much lower prices than they are accustomed to paying at the arts & crafts "super stores".
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Can I order in larger volumes than are shown in your online catalog?

Yes, simply call our Toll-Free Ordering Number, 1-877-306-9178, and we will be happy to quote you a price on any quantity of an item you are interested in. You can save by ordering in large quantities.
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Do you have a minimum quantity for custom cutting orders?

No. We sometimes cut only one item for people who are interested in completing only one craft, most often for themselves or as a gift for someone else. We consider every order, no matter how large or small, to be as important as any other order.
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Is it safe to provide my credit card information to you over the internet?

Yes. The credit card information you provide is maintained on the secure server used by Cardinal Woods. The credit card information is never transmitted across the internet to Cardinal Woods via e-mail. We must connect to the secure server to view your credit card information. Once your order has been shipped, your invoice information is deleted from the secure server.

Of course, if you are still uncertain about sending your credit card information over the internet, that's okay, too, because we offer you other options for paying for your order at Cardinal Woods.
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In your shipping policies, you indicate to allow 6-10 business days for shipping. Why does it take that long?

We constantly have inventory moving in and out of our warehouse. In many cases your order will be shipped the same day we receive your order, but in some cases, the items you order may be coming into our warehouse that week. We will hold your order until your "full order" is ready to ship. This helps us to eliminate "backorders".

We give you the 6-10 day notice so that you will know, in some cases, it may be that long before you receive your order, but in many cases, your actual delivery time will be much shorter. We have found that this procedure works best for most crafters.

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  Site Map  Ordering Shipping   Policies Links Website Security Order Form 
Cardinal Woods, 498 Dreyfus Road, Berea, KY  40403
Toll-free Ordering 1.800.407.5090  Optional Phone/FAX 859.985.9864 
E-mail: kycrafts@alltel.net